10 Useful Tips on How to Address Wedding Invitations

Your big wedding day is approaching and you’ve received your wedding invitations, they are assembled and that guests list is ready, now it’s time to address them. Determining the right way to handle your wedding invitation envelope can be a tricky process.As a rule of thumb, the outer envelope of your wedding invitation should be more formal, with title and full name, while the inner envelope should be more informal, without first name or title and last name if you're close to the guest.
While it seems complicated at first, there are simple rules you can follow to get this job done correctly. Here we offer some templates based on your invites mailing in 1 envelope or 2 envelopes.Take a look to find more ways to handle your wedding invitation envelope below.
A Married Couple
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Everson
A Married Couple with Different Last Names
Mr. Robert Everson and Mrs. Jennifer Power
A Married Couple where the Woman has Hyphenated her Last Name
Mr. Robert Everson and Mrs. Jennifer Power-Everson
An Unmarried Couple Living Together
Mr. Robert Everson
Ms. Jennifer Power
A Same-Sex Couple
If the couple is married and shares the same last name, list the names on the same line:
Mr. Rob Brown and Mr. Carl Brown
If they are married but kept their own last names:
Mrs. Celine Elgin and Mrs. Jennifer Power
If they are unmarried, list them alphabetically by last name:
Ms. Celine Elgin and Ms. Jennifer Power
A Married Woman Doctor or Two Married Doctors
If a woman uses her maiden name professionally and socially:
Dr. Jennifer Power and Mr. Robert Everson
If she uses her husband’s name socially:
Dr. Jennifer and Mr. Robert Everson
If both parties are doctors:
The Doctors Jennifer and Robert Everson
A Widow
Traditionally, a widow retains her husband’s name until she remarries. Some widows prefer to use their own first name as well. In this case, it is best to ask what she prefers.
Mrs. Robert Everson
Mrs. Jennifer Everson
Children under 18 and Families
Younger guests should be included on the outer envelope by listing their names in order of age from the oldest to the youngest on the line below their parent(‘s) name(s). If you do not know all the child/children’s name(s), you may use “and Family”.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Everson
Miss Carolyn, Master Bobby, and Miss Gail
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Everson
Carolyn, Bobby, and Gail
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Everson
and Family
Children 18 and Older
At age 18, children are considered legal adults and they should receive their own invitations regardless of whether or not they live with their parent(s).
Ms. Kelly Abraham
Mr. Bill Weasley
Single Guest that is allowed to bring a Date
Mr. Robert Everson and Guest