9 Simple Wedding Invitation Wording Ideas to Personalize | Clear Wedding Invites

Choosing the right wording for your invitation suite can be tricky, but the process doesn’t need to be stressful. The most important thing to remember is that the wording should reflect the overall style of your special day.

However,the rules of etiquette for wedding invitations are not that complicated.These rules are actually simpler and more straightforward than you might think.The most important rule is to make a beautiful wedding invitation that represents yourself, your love and the big day.That means you need the right invitations to give your guests the first impression of your wedding. Now, feel free to copy the wording of these wedding invitations to create your own wedding invitation.

9 Simple Wedding Invitation Wording Ideas to Personalize



Style 1:

Stephanie May Louise
Michael Chase Walker
request the honor of your presence
at their marriage

on Saturday, the third of June
Two thousand twenty-one
at six o'clock in the evening

Hope Lutheran Church
1705 Rosan Circle Drive
Salem, Oregon


Style 2:

Stephanie May Louise

Michael Chase Walker
invite you to share in their joy
when they exchange marriage vows
and begin their new life together

August 5th, 2021
4:00 pm

Arctic Club Hotel
10 West Oak Street
Springfield, Illinois

Arctic Club Hotel
10 West Oak Street
Springfield, Illinois


Style 3:

Love washes in like the tide soothing the parched
Stephanie May Louise
Michael Chase Walker

invite you to share in their happiness
as they are united in marriage

on Saturday, the fifth of August
Two Thousand twenty-one
at four o'clock in the afternoon

St. Paul's Church
10 West Oak Street
Springfield, Illinois

Arctic Club Hotel
10 West Oak Street
Springfield, Illinois


Style 4:

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Louise
request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter

Stephanie May Louise
Michael Chase Walker

on Saturday, the third of June
Two thousand twenty-one
at six o´clock in the evening

Hope Lutheran Church
1705 Rosan Circle Drive
Salem, Oregon


Style 5:

How beautiful is the day that is touched by love
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Louise

request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter

Stephanie May Louise
Michael Chase Walker

on Saturday, the third of June
Two thousand twenty-one
at six o'clock in the evening

Hope Lutheran Church
1705 Rosan Circle Drive
Salem, Oregon


Style 6:

A life of sharing, caring
A love of endless giving together
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Louise

request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter

Stephanie May Louise
Michael Chase Walker

August 5th, 2021
4:00 pm

Arctic Club Hotel
10 West Oak Street
Springfield, Illinois

Reception to Follow

9 Simple Wedding Invitation Wording Ideas to Personalize


Style 7:

In the spirit of Christian joy

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Louise
Mr. and Mrs. Ryne Walker

invite you to share in the joy
of the marriage uniting their children

Stephanie May Louise
Michael Chase Walker

on Saturday, the third of June
Two thousand twenty-one
at six o'clock in the evening

Hope Lutheran Church
1705 Rosan Circle Drive
Salem, Oregon

Style 8:

As Stephanie May Louise
Michael Chase Walker

enter into their new life together
their parents,

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Louise
and Mr. and Mrs. Ryne Walker

invite you to share in the joy
when their children unite in marriage

on Saturday, the fifth of August
Two Thousand twenty-one
at four o‘clock in the afternoon

St. Paul's Church
10 West Oak Street
Springfield, Illinois

Style 9:

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Louise
Mr. and Mrs. Ryne Walker
request the honor of your company
at the marriage of their children

Stephanie May Louise
Michael Chase Walker

August 5th, 2021
4:00 pm

Arctic Club Hotel
10 West Oak Street
Springfield, Illinois


9 Simple Wedding Invitation Wording Ideas to Personalize

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