Christmas Inspired Red & Green Wedding Ideas with Wedding Invites | Clear Wedding Invites

If you're planning a winter wedding in December and your bride loves Christmas, why not combine the two and have a fun Christmas-themed wedding?After all, it's the most wonderful, magical time of the year.There are so many wedding necessities that can be filtered through the holiday season to make it even more special.It's like Santa came by himself and sprinkled a little magic on your wedding.

Well, when planning a Christmas inspired wedding, the goal is to achieve a festive look with emphasis on elegance. For the color combination, red and green is perfect and adding some white and brown can be fine. Oh, mistletoe and cranberry are must haves. If you decide to have one, here are some great ideas to bring the magic of the holidays to your wedding.Get inspired!


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Christmas Inspired Red & Green Wedding Ideas with Wedding Invites

Wedding Invitations


Christmas Inspired Red & Green Wedding Ideas with Wedding Invites



Christmas Inspired Red & Green Wedding Ideas with Wedding Invites



Christmas Inspired Red & Green Wedding Ideas with Wedding Invites




Christmas Inspired Red & Green Wedding Ideas with Wedding Invites

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Christmas Inspired Red & Green Wedding Ideas with Wedding Invites

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