Ideas to Save Postage-Save the Date Postcards | Clear Wedding Invites

Not all save the dates are sent in envelopes.Actually, with save the date postcards, you don't have to pack envelopes at all, so you have more time to plan other wedding events.All you have to do is jot down the guest's address and throw it in the mailbox.When your loved ones receive your save the dates, they don't have to take the time to open any of the envelopes -- they can immediately see what the save the date cards are for and write down the dates on their calendars.

On the other hand,save the date postcards are also cheaper to keep than traditional save the dates.Sending save the date postcards need cheaper postage so you can share your exciting news at a lower cost.

Another perk is that they are environmentally friendly.You don't use envelopes, so you can reduce your carbon footprint by using less paper.If you still don't believe you want this option, check out these amazing save the date postcards.

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